
Home Care Instructions

After any dental work, including extractions, we advise patients to read through these instructions to ensure the best healing and follow-up care. Dental work should last a period of years with the proper daily care. If you have any questions regarding any instructions you have been given, or you are experiencing unusual discomfort, please contact us or call us at 401-596-0888.

Caring For Your Temporary
Today you had one or more of your teeth prepared to receive a permanent restoration whether that may be a crown, bridge, or implant. An impression was taken and will be sent to the lab so that your permanent prosthesis…
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Extraction Instructions
Keep gauze in place by biting down for 20 minutes after the extraction. If bleeding continues, replace with fresh gauze and bite down for an additional 20 minutes. Repeat this procedure until bleeding subsides.
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Scaling And Root Planing
Scaling and root planing is a method of treating periodontal disease when pockets, or the area between your gums and teeth, are greater than 3mm. Scaling is used to remove plaque and tarter beneath the gumline.
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Touch Up Whitening Instructions
Your touch up kit consists of 4 syringes. This will provide you with 4 applications for the upper arch, 4 for the lower, for 4 nights each arch. One syringe of whitening material, theoretically, should be enough to do all of…
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Whitening Instructions
One syringe of whitening material, theoretically, should be enough to do all of your teeth in your upper and lower arch. If you are only whitening one arch at a time, you should only be using 1/2 a syringe per application.
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Visit Us Today For A Healthier, Better-Looking Smile

Smile more often and with total confidence! Contact us about teeth whitening today.